Monday, March 23, 2009

Syikin's Hantaran & Baju Nikah

We contacted Syikin yesterday to let her know that all of her Hantaran is ready for pick up - was she so excited - "Inda lagi sabar"! But she was unable to come last night (yes, we do entertain our customers at night time, but not too late...)

We can’t post the pictures of the Hantaran yet as it will spoil Syikin’s ceremony this coming Friday.  But we can tell you that we haven’t designed this type of “Hantaran” yet, as the theme is “Black & White”.  It was quite a challenge for us to make this theme, as the materials were quite difficult to find.  We provided her with a bunch of black and white “Bunga Telor” too!

This coming Friday, we will be doing Syikin’s make-up too - stay tuned for the pictures sometime next week.

Syikin’s “Baju Nikah” is already with her and she was highly satisfied with our hard work.  No complaints heard at all.. just a very wide lovely smile when she had her fitting at our shop.

So, Syikin, we hope you can collect your “Hantaran” tonight….